
Monday, January 17, 2011

An Introduction to Preggi Bellies - POST NATAL PROGRAM

For post-natal women returning to exercise, Preggi Bellies offers some excellent options and cater not only for your initial return to exercise but guides you through the process of regaining your fitness and body shape. 

Preggi Bellies post-natal classes offer realistic options for regaining your fitness and losing weight post-birth, as well as meeting the requirements of each individual woman’s fitness level and post-birth recovery rate. All instructors are trained to help their post natal attendees to progress from using the ball to standing with increased move difficulty and intensity and guiding them towards the highly successful Back To Body advanced post-natal workout program. 

We encourage our post natal women to return initially to the regular Preggi Bellies classes, where the support of the medi ball is needed for the initial return to exercise and the pelvic support commonly needed for a time after childbirth. The Preggi bellies exercise program is as suitable for post-natal women as it is for Pregnant women and equally enjoyable for both.

As your body starts needing more of a challenge, and when your pelvic floor is strong, you can attempt the classes on your feet, with alternate and more advanced exercise instructions from your instructor. Many of attendees will notice, behind the myriad of pregnant ladies, groups of post-natal women lined up at the back of the class, following the post-natal instructions and – pardon the pun – having an absolute ball. Classes can be continued in this manner for as long as each individual requires. There is no rule as to how long any person must stay on the ball, or when it is time to try the classes standing. For those women unable to stand either due to injury or simply because they love the ball, they can continue to exercise and regain fitness and lose weight using a more advanced program on the ball.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

An Introduction to Preggi Bellies

Preggi Bellies was established in 1998 by Physiotherapists Lauren Gabriel and Michelle Gray in response to an overwhelming need for a safe, beneficial holistic exercise program for pregnant women. Although the exercise industry was catering for a wide range of fitness levels and interests, there was a problematic lack of choices for pregnant women, as well as a lack of knowledge by exercise professionals on what to advise pregnant women on the do’s and don’ts of pregnancy exercise.
Preggi Bellies has been from the start a unique program, the first of its kind in Australia and the first exercise program in Australia to utilise the stabilising properties of the exercise ball in pregnancy. The Medi Ball provides support for the back, core and pelvic floor muscles, which is especially important during pregnancy due to the extra strain placed on the pelvic floor by a growing baby. High impact exercise is also unsuitable for the pregnant woman, meaning the use of a medicine ball to reduce the impact of each move and simultaneously provide support makes Preggi Bellies uniquely suited for the pregnant body. The muscle work in the stretching component of the class assist in preparing the body for labour and childbirth, sending women into labour better prepared and stronger and reducing the post-birth recovery time significantly. 

The program incorporates full cardio, core strengthening and weight bearing exercises. Very few pregnancy exercise classes provide a cardio workout and the industry is rife with myths and misconceptions about what to and what not to do while pregnant.
Designed specifically for pregnancy by physiotherapists, Preggi Bellies allows women to exercise confidently and safely and enjoy the opportunity to push themselves, work up a sweat and maintain a healthy, exercise regime throughout their pregnancy. 

Preggi Bellies instructors are trained to stringent standards and not only possess a deep understanding of pregnancy, childbirth and the challenges and needs of pregnant women, but are well versed in various pregnancy conditions such as Pelvic Instability and sacra-illiac joint problems.

Many women who enter the Preggi Bellies program have pre-existing medical conditions or physical limitations, or may develop other pregnancy complications. In a large percentage of these instances, especially in the case of Pelvic Instability, Preggi Bellies instructors are able to modify the moves and exercises to suit women suffering from such conditions and guide them through their exercise routine from beginning to end of pregnancy, as well as their post natal return.

Pregnancy does not have to mean loss of fitness, body shape and strength. You CAN work through your pregnancy and come out the other side with not only a beautiful baby but a strong, healthy post natal body and plenty of energy to jump right back into your exercise regime.